Specialized Commercial Lawyer in Tenerife

At A§ILF, we understand that every business operates in highly competitive markets, where errors can lead to a loss of competitiveness, money, or opportunities. Our specialized commercial lawyers aim to ensure the safety of our clients’ operations, minimize risk, ensure regulatory compliance, and provide legal solutions that enable business activities, strategies, and growth to occur under the most favorable conditions.

Any mistake can result in reputational damage, financial loss, reduced competitiveness, or a halt to plans or projects. At A§ILF, we have the professionals, experience, and specialization to help our clients achieve their objectives.

Services as a Commercial Lawyer in Tenerife

The A§ILF team includes a commercial lawyer in Tenerife who advises clients on any matter related to Commercial Law. Among other services, these include:

  • Establishment of Commercial Companies.
  • Negotiation and formalization of shareholder agreements.
  • Transformation of Commercial Companies.
  • Corporate restructuring operations (acquisitions, mergers, splits, etc.).
  • Acquisition of companies.
  • Preparation of General Shareholders’ Meetings.
  • Challenge of social agreements, exercise of the social action of liability against administrators.
  • Drafting, negotiation, and conclusion of share and interest purchase agreements and the creation of real rights on them.
  • Supervision of loan and credit operations, syndicated loans, and the establishment and execution of all types of financial guarantees: guarantees on first demand, bonds, pledges on shares and other movable property, movable and immovable mortgages.
  • Filing and intervention in Bankruptcy Proceedings with the creditor, debtor, or interested third party.